222 423 7700 (IN)
1800 267 0505 (CC)
Apart from Registered office, Export House and Media Contact, this section provides contact details of offices and establishments in India. Similar contact details across the world are provided in ‘World Region-wise contact’ section
To contact Sales, Service & Support for products and solutions in a specific country, please go to ‘Contacts for sales & Services’ (also from the main menu bar.)
Mr. Subhash Pandit
Tel: +91 (0)7480 408200, 408201
Email: subhash.pandit@cgglobal.com
Mr. Pradeep Sakhwar
Mob: +91 9713063425
Email: pradeep.sakhwar@cgglobal.com
Mr. R Arokianathan
Tel: +91 (0)253 230 1401
Email: arokianathan.r@cgglobal.com
Mr. Karthik VS
Tel: +91 (0)241 662 6102, 277 7500
Email: karthik.vs@cgglobal.com
CG Power And Industrial Solutions Limited
CG House, 6th Floor
Dr. Annie Besant Road
Mumbai - 400 030
Maharastra, INDIA
Tel : +91 22 2423 7864 / 7865
Fax : +91 22 2423 7788
Enterprise Identification Number - L99999MH1937PLC002641
CG House, 10th Floor
Dr. Annie Besant Road
Mumbai - 400 030
Maharastra, INDIA
Tel : +91 22 2423 8990
Communication Agency : Adfactors
Contact : Sudhir Shetty
Contact No : +91 22 6757 4444
4th Floor, Discovery Tower
A-17, Block A, Sec-62
Noida 210 309, India
Tel: +91 9649 910 197
Email: ritesh.tandon@cgglobal.com
4th Floor, Discovery Tower
A-17, Block A, Sec-62
Noida 210 309, India
Tel: +91 9646 044 900
Email: anup.anand@cgglobal.com
4th Floor, Discovery Tower
A-17, Block A, Sec-62
Noida 210 309, India
Tel: +91 9654 125 363
Email: mayank.bhatia@cgglobal.com
4th Floor, Discovery Tower
A-17, Block A, Sec-62
Noida 210 309, India
Tel: +91 9654 125 341
Email: suneet.mittal@cgglobal.com
Church Road, PO BOX 173
Jaipur 302 001, Rajasthan,
Tel: +91 9828 410 107
Email: deepak.raghav@cgglobal.com
SCO 18,3rd Floor, Near Dainik Bhaskar
Ladowali Road,Jalandhar-144001
Punjab, India
Tel: +91 9654 125 918
Email: vivek.sharma@cgglobal.com
Saran Chambers II, 3rd floor
5 Park Road, Lucknow 226 001
Uttar Pradesh, India
Tel: +91 9646 028 705
Email: rajinderjit.singh@cgglobal.com
7th Floor, Block B,
50 Chowringhee Road
Kolkata 700 071
West Bengal, India
Tel: +91 9840 429 331
Email: ajoy.prasad@cgglobal.com
7th Floor, Block B,
50 Chowringhee Road
Kolkata 700 071
West Bengal, India
Tel: +91 9836 424 404
Email: ayan.chatterjee@cgglobal.com
Janpath Tower, 4th floor, Ashok Nagar,
Unit II, Bhubaneshwar 751 009,
Odisha, India
Tel: +91 9776 009 188
Email: siladitya.khuntia@cgglobal.com
501, Luv Kush Tower,
Near Exhibition Road Crossing,
Patna 800 001
Bihar, India
Tel: +91 9709 700 761
Email: ajay.kumar@cgglobal.com
Western Region
CG House, 8th Floor,
Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli
Mumbai 400 030
Maharashtra, India
Tel: +91 9713 500 339
Email: gajanan.wandhare@cgglobal.com
Western Region
CG House, 8th Floor,
Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli
Mumbai 400 030
Maharashtra, India
Tel: +91 9320 357 299
Email: vinayak.shinde@cgglobal.com
909-916, Sakar II, Near Ellis Bridge
Ahmedabad 380 006,
Gujarat, India
Tel: +91 9765 409 622
Email: rajesh.gupta@cgglobal.com
10-A, Vrundavan Colony
Near Harinagar Water Tank
Gotri Road, Baroda 390 007
Gujarat, India
Tel: +91 9713 063 308
Email: jitendra.rawat@cgglobal.com
108-110, Apollo Trade Centre
2-B, Rajgarh Kothi
Geeta Bhawan Square,A.B. Road
Indore- 452 001
Madhya Pradesh, India
Tel: +91 9765 405 108
Email: ravindra.aundhkar@cgglobal.com
2nd Floor, Sai Nivas, Plot No. U16/A,
Ujjawal Co-operative Housing Society,
Opposite to Sri Nagar MSEB office,
Ring Road, Narendra Nagar,
Nagpur- 440 015, Maharashtra, India
Tel: +91 9545 591 550
Email: suyog.deshpande@cgglobal.com
2nd floor, Argade Heights
CTS No. 1303, Shivajinagar,
J M Road, Above Fabindia,
Pune- 411005, Maharashtra, India
Tel: +91 9730 084 560
Email: rohan.prabhu@cgglobal.com
A 207, Crystal Arcade
Near Lodhi Para Square
Shankar Nagar Road
Raipur 492 007
Chhattisgarh, India
Tel: +91 9545 591 550
Email: suyog.deshpande@cgglobal.com
Crompton House-3, Dr. MGR Salai
(Kodambakkam High Road)
Chennai 600 034
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel: +91 9765 405 102
Email: mujahid.shaikh@cgglobal.com
Crompton House-3, Dr. MGR Salai
(Kodambakkam High Road)
Chennai 600 034
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel: +91 9176 609 374
Email: gopalakrishnan.shanmugam@cgglobal.com
J P Square, 3rd Floor
No:17, 3rd Cross, 5th Main
Chamrajpet, Bangalore 560 018
Karnataka, India
Tel: +91 9886 000 041
Email: shaffi.syed@cgglobal.com
No.42 DPF Street, 1st floor,
Pappanaicken Palayam
Coimbatore 641 037
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel: +91 9047 080 372
Email: srinivasan.s@cgglobal.com
Minerva Complex, 4th floor
94 Sarojni Devi Road
Secunderabad- 500 003
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel: +91 9966 007 488
Email: prashant.reddy@cgglobal.com
4th Floor, Discovery Tower,
Plot No. A17, Sector 62, Noida,
Uttar Pradesh 201 309, India
Tel: +91 (0)120 686 1900, 686 1901
Fax: +91 (0)120 686 1902
EMAIL : vipin.sahu@cgglobal.com
EMAIL : charu.pathak@cgglobal.com
Shanti Sadan
Church Road, PO Box 173
Jaipur 302 001
Rajasthan, India
Tel: +91 (0) 41 2365371
EMAIL : deepak.raghav@cgglobal.com
EMAIL : prakash.mehalawat@cgglobal.com
EMAIL : abhimanyu.guhe@cgglobal.com
SCO No. 18, 3rd Floor, Puda Complex,
Near Dainik Bhaskar, Ladowali Road,
Jalandhar 144 001, Punjab, India
Tel: +91 9115136474 / 9646344665
EMAIL : suneet.mittal@cgglobal.com
EMAIL : ankit.sharma@cgglobal.com
EMAIL : harmeet.makkar@cgglobal.com
Saran Chambers II, 3rd Floor
5 Park Road, Lucknow 226 001
Uttar Pradesh, India
Tel: +91 9584518778
EMAIL : vikas.singh@cgglobal.com
EMAIL : vipin.sahu@cgglobal.com
EMAIL : charu.pathak@cgglobal.com
50 Chowringhee Road
Kolkata 700 071
West Bengal, India
Tel: +91 (0)33 2282 9681/85
EMAIL : ajoy.prasad@cgglobal.com
Western Region
CG House, 8th Floor,
Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli
Mumbai 400 030
Maharashtra, India
EMAIL : amul.chajjed@cgglobal.com
909-916, Sakar II, Near Ellis Bridge
Ahmedabad 380 006
Gujarat, India
Tel: +91 (0)79-2658 7481
EMAIL : jyot.acharya@cgglobal.com
108-110, Apollo Trade Centre
2-B, Rajgarh Kothi
Mumbai-Agra Road
Indore- 452 001
Madhya Pradesh, India
EMAIL : rajesh.gupta@cgglobal.com
2nd floor, Argade Heights
CTS No. 1303, Shivajinagar,
J M Road, Above Fabindia,
Pune- 411005, Maharashtra, India
EMAIL : rohan.prabhu@cgglobal.com
2nd Floor, Sai Nivas, Plot No. U16/A,
Ujjawal Co-operative Housing Society,
Opposite to Sri Nagar MSEB office,
Ring Road, Narendra Nagar,
Nagpur- 440 015, Maharashtra, India
EMAIL : rajesh.gupta@cgglobal.com
A 207, Crystal Arcade
Near Lodhi Para Square
Shankar Nagar Road
Raipur 492 007
Chhattisgarh, India
Tel: +91 (0)771 401 9201, 401 9202
EMAIL : rajesh.gupta@cgglobal.com
Crompton House-3, Dr. MGR Salai
(Kodambakkam High Road) Nungambakkam,
Chennai 600 034
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel: +91 (0)44 4224 7500, 4224 7597
EMAIL : prakash.j@cgglobal.com
J P Square, 3rd Floor
No:17, 3rd Cross, 5th Main
Chamrajpet, Bangalore 560 018
Karnataka, India
Tel: +91 (0) 80 4664 2820
EMAIL : srinivasulu.murthy@cgglobal.com
Minerva Complex, 4th floor
94 Sarojni Devi Road
Secunderabad- 500 003
Hyderabad, India
Tel: +91 (0)40 4000 2342
EMAIL : ravikumar.vadla@cgglobal.com
Plot No. 9, MPAKVN, Phase 2,
New Industrial Area,Mandideep 462 046
Madhya Pradesh, India
Tel : +91 (0)7480 427 107, 427 102, 427 110
EMAIL : ashok.kulkarni@cgglobal.com
Plot No. A-6/2, MIDC Industrial Area,
Ahmednagar 414 111
Maharashtra, India
Tel : +91 (0)241 662 6102, 277 7500
EMAIL : ramesh.kumar@cgglobal.com
B-108/109, MIDC Industrial Area,
Ahmednagar 414 111
Maharashtra, India
Tel : +91 (0)241 662 4121
EMAIL : vishram.lele@cgglobal.com
S/14-15, Colvale Industrial Estate,
Colvale, Bardez 403 513,
Goa, India
Tel : +91 (0)832 240 4001
EMAIL : harish.savaikar@cgglobal.com
Plot No. 196-198,
Kundaim Industrial Estate,
Ponda 403 115, Goa, India
Tel : +91 (0)832 398 3205
EMAIL : pradip.arote@cgglobal.com
Plot No. 196-198,
Kundaim Industrial Estate,
Ponda 403 115, Goa, India
Tel : +91 (0)832 398 3228
EMAIL : devesh.pandey@cgglobal.com
Plot No. 9, MPAKVN, Phase 2
Industrial Area, Mandideep 462046
Madhya Pradesh, India
Tel : +91 (0)7480 426400, 426403
EMAIL : pankaj.pandey@cgglobal.com
B-110, B-111/B, B-112/2,
MIDC Industrial Area,
Ahmednagar 414 111,
Maharashtra, India
Tel : +91 (0)241 661 0512/31
EMAIL : avin.patil@cgglobal.com
Plot No. T1-T5 MPAKVN Industrial Area
District Bhind, Malanpur 477 116
Madhya Pradesh, India
Tel: +91 8269001751
EMAIL : pradip.kar@cgglobal.com
Plot No. 29, 30, 31& 32, New Industrial Area No.1
AKVN, District Raisen,
Mandideep 462 046, Madhya Pradesh, India
Tel: +91 (0)7480 408200, 408201
EMAIL : anirban.saha@cgglobal.com
A-3, M.I.D.C., Ambad,
Nashik 422 010
Maharashtra, India
Tel: +91 (0) 253 230 1401
EMAIL : mangesh.sonak@cgglobal.com
Vacuum Interrupters & Instrument Transformer Division
D2 & D1 / 2, MIDC, Waluj Aurangabad 431 136,
Maharashtra, India
Tel : +91 (0) 240 255 8000
Fax : +91 (0) 240 255 4697
EMAIL : delip.wakode@cgglobal.com
16th Floor, Tower A, Building No. 5
DLF Cyber City, Sector 25-A
DLF Phase III, Gurgaon 122 002
Haryana, India
Tel : +91 (0)124 304 7700
Fax : +91 (0)124 304 7777
EMAIL : sanjay.sahni@cgglobal.com
D5 Industrial Area, MPAKVN,
Mandideep 462 046
Madhya Pradesh, India
Tel: +91 (0)7480 400 0102, 400 103, 400 181/2
EMAIL : dinesh.nimje@cgglobal.com
Plot No 9, MPAKVN Phase II,
New Industrial Area Mandideep 462 046
Madhya Pradesh, India
Tel : +91 (0)7480 426400, 426401 / 402
EMAIL : ranjan.singh@cgglobal.com
11 B, Industrial Area No. 1
Pithampur 454 775, District Dhar
Madhya Pradesh, India
Tel : +91 (0)7292 410 121, 410 107
EMAIL : sunil.kelkar@cgglobal.com
Kawasan Industri Menara Permai Kav. 10
Jl. Raya Narogong, Cileungsi,
Bogor 16820,
T: +62 21 823 04 30 / 3048 1270
F: +62 21 823 42 22
Kawasan Industri Menara Permai Kav. 10
Jl. Raya Narogong, Cileungsi,
Bogor 16820,
T: +62 21 823 04 30 / 3048 1270
F: +62 21 823 42 22
Alamanda Tower – 18th Floor
Jl. T.B. Simatupang Kav. 23-24
Cilandak Barat
Jakarta 12430
T: +62 21 29660055
F: +62 21 29660054
B-1-21, Jn. Sg. Jernih
Petaling Jaya
45060 Selangor
T : +603 79544766
F : +603 79542766
Amit Talwaria
M : +6 013 520 1938
E : amit.talwaria@cgglobal.com
Goethestraße 6
D-38855 Wernigerode
T : +49 (0)3943-92050
F : +49 (0)3943-92055
+971 588153457
Gießerweg 3
D-38855 Wernigerode
T : +49 (0)3943 - 92050
F : +49 (0)3943 - 92050
Goethestraße 6
D-38855 Wernigerode
T : +49 (0)3943-92050
F : +49 (0)3943-92055
+971 588153457
Gießerweg 3
D-38855 Wernigerode
T : +49 (0)3943 - 92050
F : +49 (0)3943 - 92050
Polakkers 5
Postbus 132
The Netherlands
T : +31 (0)497 389 222
Polakkers 5
Postbus 132
The Netherlands
T : +31 (0)497 389 222
Polakkers 5
Postbus 132
The Netherlands
T : +31 (0)497 389 222
CG Drives & Automation Netherlands BV, having its offices at Bladel, Netherlands, is a wholly owned subsidiary of CG Drives and Automation Sweden AB, Sweden.
CG Drives & Automation Netherlands BV is engaged in the development, production and marketing of inverter products, including electrical motor drives, and is also engaged in trading of related products. It is engaged in customised, OEM products, compact drives and high power drives. Service Management covering technical services including providing spare parts and tools, repairs, maintenance, commissioning, and training are also carried out by CG Drives & Automation Netherlands BV.
CG Drives & Automation Netherlands BV is certified according to ISO 9001 standard in Netherlands
Polakkers 5
Postbus 132
The Netherlands
T : +31 497 389 222
Mörsaregatan 12
Box 222 25
T : +46 42 169900
F : +46 42 169949
Mörsaregatan 12
Box 222 25
T : +46 42 169900
F : +46 42 169949
Mörsaregatan 12
Box 222 25
T : +46 42 169900
F : +46 42 169949
Emotron was created from a merger of three companies active within power electronics, control algorithms and motor design, with routes back to 1975. In 2011, the Emotron Group became a part of the CG family. The head office is situated in Helsingborg, Sweden.
CG Drives and Automation develops solutions for controlling machines and processes driven by electric motors, combining state of the art technology with robust design and user-friendliness. Through successful in-house R&D efforts, CG Drives and Automation can offer a wide range of premium products based on proprietary software and hardware. The product portfolio comprises e.g. low voltage AC drives (or variable speed drives, VSDs), softstarters and shaft power monitors. Along with the products, CG Drives and Automation also offers service, maintenance, and product training.
Manufacturing and assembly take place at the Group’s head office in Helsingborg, Sweden. There are laboratories and development resources in Helsingborg and in Bladel, the Netherlands. Sales and marketing functions are performed through own sales organisations in the Group’s home markets – Nordic, Germany and Benelux, a sales office for Latin America in Miami, USA, and a representation office in Shanghai for China.
CG Drives and Automation is an integrated part of Industrial Systems with main focus on drives. The business of CG Drives and Automation contributes strongly to Industrial Systems’ complete offering for rotating machines.
An AC drive controls the application by continuously adjusting the motor speed. This results in reduced energy usage and prevents unnecessary wear of the equipment. CG Drives and Automation offers a wide product range in the low voltage drives segment. Direct torque control and built-in shaft power monitoring are examples of premium features of CG Drives and Automation AC drives. Direct torque control is considered an excellent method to control motor speed and torque and enables optimal usage of the motor. CG Drives and Automation AC drives are also offered with active front end technology. This enables low harmonic operation as well as regeneration capability for energy saving. The shaft power monitoring reacts if the operation should deviate from selected load levels.
High start currents and mechanical stress can cause damage to equipment driven by electric motors. A softstarter ensures smooth starts, resulting in lower current usage and reduced maintenance costs. CG Drives and Automation’s premium softstarter, CG Drives and Automation MSF, has an efficient torque control that offers smooth starts with constant acceleration, and reduces start currents by approximately 30 percent more than conventional softstarters with voltage control. A built-in shaft power monitoring function reacts immediately to any deviation from the selected load levels. The CG Drives and Automation MSF range has cUL/UL approval up to 835 A.
The shaft power monitor protects equipment against damage and downtime by monitoring the shaft load and using the motor as a “sensor”. It enables preventive actions by initiating warnings or stopping the process at selected load levels, e.g. if a crusher is jammed or a pump is running dry. This results in reduced replacement costs and in more reliable operations. CG Drives and Automation offers two shaft power monitor models, the CG Drives and Automation M20 and the CG Drives and Automation DCM.
CG Drives and Automation is certified according to ISO 9001 standard in Sweden and Netherlands
Mörsaregatan 12
Box 222 25
SE-250 24 Helsingborg
T : +46 42 16 99 00
CG Automation Solutions
60 Fadem Road
Springfield, NJ 07081
T : +1 908-379-7400
CG Automation Solutions
Sales Office
60 Fadem Road
Springfield, NJ 07081
T : +1 908-379-7400
CG Automation Solutions
Service Division
60 Fadem Road
Springfield, NJ 07081
T : +1 908-379-7400
Incorporated in 2001 as Microsol Inc, the Company was established as the Project Delivery Centre for the erstwhile Microsol Group with responsibilities for project delivery and customer service for USA.
It operates alongside two other Automation facilities a Corporate Head Office and Development Centre in Dublin, Ireland and a Project Delivery Centre for UK, Europe and Africa in UK.
In 2007, the erstwhile Microsol Group became a part of the CG family.
The Business of CG Automation Systems USA forms an integral part of the Power Systems Strategic Business Unit of CG.
CG Automation Systems USA provides a wide variety of Automation Products and services to the Electric Utility Industry. CG Automation's customers are a mixture of major utilities, government and military agencies as well as global Electrical Transmission and Distribution OEM's.
The Company is a leading developer of hardware and software for electricity utilities with particular focus on field automation solutions. Its areas of expertise are Substation Automation ('SA') solutions, Distribution Automation ('DA') solutions and engineering & consultancy services.
The Company has established a significant global footprint in the electricity transmission and distribution automation sector through the delivery of total solutions, reliable product and expertise in the development of communication protocols.
The Company's SA hardware solution is called XCell. It is an intelligent information platform developed to meet the unique field automation needs of power utilities. XCell is a modular platform with features including protocol conversion, substation communication, I/O data monitoring and physical automation. XCell can be fitted to new substations or retro-fitted to existing substations and can be fully integrated with other substation equipment. It provides flexibility and scalability to accommodate power utilities of varying scale.
The Company's Workbench software solution is a user interface for XCell. Windows based, Workbench allows remote and local systems access. Its key components are a monitoring and diagnostics tool, a remote configuration tool, an application development tool, a firmware flash programming tool and a systems analysis capacity.
Substation Automation, Retrofit RTU, New RTU, Distribution Automation, IED Integration
In addition to producing hardware and software solutions, the Company provides engineering and consultancy services to its clients, enabling the Company to leverage its considerable power utility technology and market experience. In addition to the turnkey delivery of full substation automation systems, the Company offers Smart Grid solutions providing intelligent restoration of secondary distribution networks as well as WindSCADA applications that can provide the comprehensive management of wind farm operations.
The Company is experienced in the delivery of solutions to the latest emerging industry standards (IEC 61850) and supplied the very first IEC 61850 solution into East Africa in the form of a total substation automation solution for 132kV and 33kV substations.
Website : www.cgglobal.com/us
Office no D79, PO Box, 341041 ,
Silicon Oasis HQ Building .
City : Dubai.
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Name : Mr Vinodh Mahadevan.
M : +971 588153457